Thursday, February 24, 2011

Selecting a turbine

A turbine is selected based on its specific speed.  The equation for specific speed is

N = specific speed
n = number of revolutions per minute
P = the output power
H = the head in feet

The available head determines what type of turbine will be used and the rate of flow determines the capacity of the turbine.  Hydraulic turbines are classified as impulse or reaction, reaction turbines are the most widely used.  Reaction turbines can be francis turbines or propeller turbines.  In a francis turbine, the water enters and flows radially, around the turbine shaft.

In a propeller turbine, the water flows axially to the shaft.

Francis turbines can be operated over a range of 40 to 105 percent of their rated discharge and 60 to 125 percent of their design head.  Francis turbines have a peak efficiency of 88 to 90 percent and can be mounted horizontally or vertically.  We have been in touch with Voith Hydro and have decided to use a horizontal francis turbine.

It was very difficult finding a turbine company that was willing to work with us and we would like to thank Voith Hydro for helping us with this project.  

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