Thursday, January 27, 2011

Comparing my blog to two field related blogs.

I have reviewed 2 blogs that relate to Civil Engineering in order to get ideas for organizing my blog page.
Dave’s landslide blog contains many interesting images that really help to get the point across.  I will add some images to my blog to help people visualize what is happening.  I think Dave’s blog is very professional; it is obvious that he put a lot of effort into composing this site.  There are a lot of links on Dave’s blog that help lead you to some very useful information.
Engineering &… is a blog about how engineering affects the world.  There are articles, videos and pictures.  This blog presents materials in an easy to read format.  I do think that the look of the blog could use a little work.  I think that having some kind of background would help this site look a little more appealing.

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