Monday, March 21, 2011

Fish Ladders,1607,7-153-10364_52259_19092-46291--,00.html

Fish ladders allow fish to migrate upstream past a dam or other barrier. 

Dams tend to fragment aquatic ecosystems, however in the case of the sunshine reservoirs, they are off channel and do not affect the fivers ecosystem.  If the ecosystem is fragmented, entire species of fish can be lost in a particular system. 

No one fish ladder can accommodate every species of fish at a particular location so the ladder must be designed to meet the species needs.  These needs can include barrier heights, water speed and size and spacing of pools.

Some of the types of ladders are shown below.


The vertical slot fishway is effective for alot of species and is not effected by the upstream water level.


The Pool-Weir fishway is one of the oldest types of fish ladders.  This design works well for jumping species like trout and is effected by upstream water levels.


The Steeppass fishway uses a large number of baffles to simulate rapids.  This type of ladder is effective for a large number of species and can handle a large range of upstream water elevations.


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Hydropower in Norway, New Environmental Concerns

I can no figure out how to post this video directly to my blog but this link will take you directly to the video. 

Norway uses more electricity per capita than any other country in the world, about 10 times the world average.  This is because electricity is cheap due to the number of hydroelectric projects. 

The problem now is that the Noriegans are concerned about the environmental impacts of building dams.  Damage to fish populations, loss of habitat and the dislocation of people are some of their concerns.  There is an interesting piece on fish ladders used to facilitate fish migration.

There is an interesting question at the end of this video, Are the people crying about environmental impacts willing to reduce their use?  The answer to this question is going to be an interesting one.

A New "Twist" on Hydropower

Scotland has approved a new 10Mw tidal power station that will power the homes and distilleries on the inner Hebridean islands of Islay and Jura. 

These turbines are underwater versions of wind turbines and will be placed in a deep channel between the two islands.  The channel will act as a funnel causing the water to speed up as it passes through the turbines (6.7 mph).  This will be the largest tidal array in the world and will bring millions of dollars of investment into Scotland. 

The Islands have a trust which will receive a share of the profits.  This money will be reinvested into more green energy projects including solar panels, wind turbines and electric cars.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Wyoming Water Law, what a pain in the butt

Wyoming water law like most western states is based on prior appropriation.  Prior appropriation means that the first in time is the first in right.  When you begin to put the water to beneficial use, you establish a priority.  In times of shortage, those with earlier priorities can continue to use water when those with newer priorities are shut off.  All water in Wyoming is property of the state. 

When a water right is adjudicated, that water right is permanently attached to that piece of land.  Water rights are adjudicated based on 1 cfs per 70 acres of land.  Water rights prior to March 1, 1945 are entitled to 2 cfs per 70 acres.  If there is enough water, post 1945 and pre 1981 can draw 2 cfs before any water is given to post 1985 water rights.  It is not illegal to divert more than your right if all other rights have been satisfied, the stream is not in regulation and you are not wasting the water. 

When there is not enough water to meet demands, water for preferred use takes precedent over non preferred use.  Hydropower is a non-preferred use.